

First of all, church planting is not easy! Every planter needs help, and we’d like to provide you with both resources and expertise to plant your church. As a Converge church planting network, we have been planting churches for over 20 years and have a proven track record. The Converge success rate in church planting is over 90%!

Mission Minnesota primarily provides 3 things to help you start your church:

1) Personalized Coaching (our systems have been proven to work, and our churches are growing and reaching people for Christ!)

2) Financial Resources (each of our churches puts aside 5% of their offerings, so we can have funds to help you start your church!)

3) People for your Launch Team (each Mission Minnesota parent church typically gives 10-20 of their people to the new plant!)

If you’re interested in planting with us, here are your next steps:

1) Fill out the “contact us” form at the bottom of this page.

2) If we’re interested in you (and you’re interested in us!), you’ll then have the opportunity to attend Converge’s highly trusted Church Planting Assessment Center.

3) If the assessment center decides you have the right gifting to be a church planter, and we both still feel like it’s a good fit, we will then match you up with 2 parent churches in Mission Minnesota.

4) We will then begin the official work of coaching you towards planting a church!



How do you know if God is calling you to be a church planter or to pastor an established church? One way to find out is to see how would you answer the following questions:

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Do you dream about how to reach more people with the good news of Jesus?

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Does the idea of leading a church without boundaries excite you?

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Do you like to start new things? Do others follow you when you do?

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Have you been successful in ministry, but you’re starting to ask God, “What’s next?”


Then you might be a church planter — shaped by God to start and lead your own church!

But why start a church? Don’t we have enough already?  No!

The more churches, the more followers of Jesus. The way Jesus put it is

the harvest is plentiful. The workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into the harvest field’

In most cities nowadays in Minnesota, only 15-20% of people go to church. For example, in Blaine, MN, there are 64,000 people. Although there are over 20 churches in Blaine, the total attendance of those churches only adds up to roughly 6,000 people. We need more churches!

Each church certainly should work to reach more lost and unchurched people. But the world will be reached as we start more churches. The more churches, the more followers of Jesus. We are a network that is serious about starting churches…that start churches!

New churches are vastly more effective in reaching people for Christ. They have higher conversion rates. Higher baptism rates. Higher creativity. AND, they stir existing churches up to try new and innovative methods. New churches are the ‘research and development’ wing of the Kingdom of God!

Church planting is an exciting opportunity to build your dream and His Kingdom. If you’re asking ‘What Next?’ and are thinking about church planting, we’d love to hear about it and see if we might be able to work together to start a new church and reach more people for Christ!

Still need more reasons for why we need new churches? Check out this article: “Why Plant Churches” by Timothy Keller



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